2024 11-22 Spark Notes 4 - Spark Memory Questions and Answers 2023 08-12 SparkSQL Count(Distinct) Execution Flow 03-31 Spark Notes 3 - RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) 03-30 Spark Notes 2 - Core Concepts (SparkContext、RDD、Stage、Executor) 03-30 Spark Notes 1 - Introduction, Ecosystem and WordCount 2022 06-27 2022 Leetcode 06-11 Bali Travel plan Indonesia🇮🇩🇮🇩 06-09 Leetcode SQL - Summary 1 04-30 A bi-dev's idea 04-10 Writing Task1 - line chart 03-28 Update 2022 - ielts p2, Reading 03-26 got it vs i got it 03-24 Describe a toy you liked in your childhood (Score 8+) 03-22 Describe the thing that you cannot live without (except phone and internet) 03-18 Listening - 备考逻辑 03-15 task2 topic words 03-11 traditional and modern 03-09 Collocations 03-05 Hometown 03-05 Clothes and Outfit 03-02 IELTS - templates events 02-28 Shoppping, Env, Jobs 02-27 english song 02-27 Shopping and Cooking 02-27 Work and Study 02-24 Writing Task2 Topic - Education and Crime 02-24 Writing Task Outline 02-23 Writing Task2 Topic - towns and cities 02-16 Speaking Part1 - Flat, live, neighbourhood (although..as..while) 02-11 Writing Task2 Topic - Edu (建议类) 02-10 Speaking - Describe an exciting book (待研究) 02-09 Writing Task2 Topic - Crime (绝对词类) 02-09 Speaking - Traveling by Car 02-04 Speaking Part3 - 5 questions 01-26 Writing Task2 - 丸子tinateena 最强指导 01-23 Writing Task1 模板不在于多,而在于精 - Bar Chart 01-23 Line Chart - IELTS Test Training 01-13 L5 - Tell the Story - Best Friend 01-11 L5 - Clothes and Apparel 01-08 Speaking Part1 01-07 www.ieltsonlinetests.com!拿走干货 2021 12-31 EF Level5 - Travel / Restaurant / Clothes and Apparel 11-20 MacOS iOA Tool 10-19 Speaking - Part2 事件类模板 09-27 Locations and directions 09-15 番茄todo VS Todo清单 哪个待办事项App更好用? 09-11 data-warehouse 4 standardization basic 03-12 Hive optimization notes 02-20 data-warehouse 3 - window function 02-17 survey of data analyst 02-03 SparkSQL indoor to optimization 02-02 SparkSQL Multidimensional Analysis - Group by 02-01 猴子的图解SQL 学习笔记 01-27 spark data skew advanced 01-26 SQL@Leetcode 01-22 data-warehouse 2 - interview notes 01-21 spark troubleshooting 01-20 python 的 decorator & getattr() 函数 01-09 data-warehouse 1 - bank credit business 01-08 Spark Summary 2 - Q&A 01-05 data analysis - SQL 50 01-03 RDD vs DataFrame vs DataSet 2020 12-16 Python collections and heapq 10-31 Trip in New Zealand 10-31 Spark Summary 1 - Basic knowledge 10-19 Spark Chap 7 内存模型和资源调优 10-17 SparkSQL 底层实现原理 09-26 Spark SQL几种Join实现 09-15 SQL vs NoSQL 09-14 HDFS 演进之路 08-28 SparkSql - 结构化数据处理 (下) 08-12 Spark Shuffle Optimize 10 items 08-10 Spark dev Optimize 10 Items 08-08 data analysis - SQL 50 第2篇 action 08-07 data analysis - SQL 50 第1篇 08-06 Thin belly 08-03 data warehouse - 工具篇 08-03 data warehouse - 理论篇 2 08-01 data warehouse - 理论篇 1 08-01 data warehouse - 基础篇 07-31 SparkCore 中的工作原理 - 任务执行流程 5.1 07-29 Spark Task-Commit 流程解析 4.2 07-18 Hive Optimize 25 Items 07-17 Python 星号表达式(*) 用法详解 07-16 Hadoop Tutorial 3 - Hive 07-15 Hadoop Review 2 - MapReduce 07-15 Hadoop Tutorial - HDFS 07-05 机考模拟解析 9.2 (Listening & Writing) 07-05 机考模拟解析 9.1 (Speaking & Reading) 05-30 JVM 运行时 04-16 Writing - 丛昊 & 杜仕明 04-11 Reading - Jack 04-05 Transformer to BERT (by Amazon) 04-04 Studying in New Zealand 03-29 Speaking 1 - 杨帅口语 03-28 Speaking 1 - Simon312 2020 口语考试形式一览 03-20 IELTS Listening 2 - 雅思听力必考词汇 03-19 IELTS Listening 1 - 雅思听力必考词汇 03-16 IELTS Listening 6 - 复习要点 03-14 IELTS Listening 5 - 雅思陷阱 03-14 IELTS Listening 4 - 配对题 03-14 IELTS Listening 3 - blank filling Map 带图题 & 地图题 03-14 IELTS Listening 2 - blank filling 填空题 03-11 线性代数的本质 - 系列合集 02-27 IELTS Listening 1 - 雅思入门常识 02-26 Reading - 538 考点词 01-27 NZA Travel plan 🇳🇿🇦🇺 2019 12-27 Vietnam Travel plan 🇻🇳🇻🇳 12-22 Pycharm Keyboard Shortcuts(Mac) 12-08 scikit-learn 为机器学习准备文本数据 12-08 Malaysia Travel plan 🇲🇾🇲🇾 11-23 Linux Systemd Tutorial 11-08 Anaconda + Tensorflow 环境搭建 11-08 Bert 最简单的打开姿势 10-31 ElasticSearch 各种查询关键字的区别 10-28 Kubernetes tutorial 10-28 Tech Stack 10-23 Fluentd tutorial 10-20 Developer's manual 10-20 怎么理解 Python3 的 cmp_to_key函数? 10-19 Docker + Hexo 10-14 Docker microservices 10-07 Docker tutorial 10-06 Python WSGI 协议详解 10-05 Singapore Travel plan 🇸🇬🇸🇬 08-31 Summary 20 dynamic programming 08-22 RNN classifier in Keras 08-22 CNN classifier in Keras 08-22 Classifier in Keras 08-21 Japan Travel plan 🇯🇵🇯🇵 08-21 Regressor in Keras 08-19 Keras Introduce 08-10 数据清理中,处理缺失值的方法是? 07-01 2019 Leetcode 06-25 Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis of User Online Reviews 06-23 User Credit Score 06-20 Chatbot Project 06-20 BERT tutorial 1 06-17 Seq2Seq and Attention 06-16 Language Model and Perplexity 06-14 Recurrent Neural Networks 06-13 Convolutional Neural Networks 06-12 Deep Feedforward Networks 06-10 SVM 和 LR 的区别与联系? 06-09 L1、L2 Regularization 06-08 Probabilistic Graphical Model 06-07 Information Entropy 06-03 Evaluation Metric 06-02 Rondom Forest vs GBDT 05-31 Logistic Regression 05-25 IELTS Learning Experience 05-17 Auckland Study Abroad 04-21 Dimensionality Reduction:PCA 01-24 Airflow review 1 01-12 台湾大陆成长经历对比 2018 12-19 FastText 用于高效文本分类的技巧 12-18 K-means 12-16 TextCNN 文本情感分类的卷积神经网络 12-01 Chatbot Research 12 - 理论篇: 评价指标介绍 12-01 Tensorflow Sequence_loss 11-29 Chatbot Research 11 - Chatbot 的第二个版本 (新API实现) 11-26 工程师应该如何注意身体健康? 11-17 Chatbot Research 8 - 理论 seq2seq+Attention 机制模型详解 11-16 Glove 和 fastText 11-10 TensorFlow:第8章 LSTM & Bi-RNN & Deep RNN 11-08 TensorFlow: 第8章 循环神经网络 1 11-02 大数据平台CDH6.0集群在线安装 10-07 多层 LSTM 通俗版 10-04 简单前馈网络实现 mnist 分类 10-02 RNN 的语言模型 TensorFlow 实现 10-01 PTB 数据的 batching 方法 09-28 TensorFlow: 第6章 图片识别与CNN 09-26 Chatbot Research 7 - Dialog_Corpus 常用数据集 09-12 Tensorboard 可视化好帮手 1 09-11 numpy.random.normal 函数 09-11 numpy.newaxis 转变矩阵的形狀 09-11 Tensorflow 例子3 : 建造神经网络 09-09 Tensorflow 例子3 : 添加层 def add_layer() 09-08 CNN (week4) - Face recognition & Neural style transfer 09-08 TensorFlow 基本用法总结 09-07 Activation Function 激励函数 09-07 What's Activation Function 09-01 深度学习与计算机视觉 - 历史回顾与介绍 09-01 Convolutional Neural Networks (week3) - Object detection 09-01 Python 中 4 个魔法方法, __len__,__getitem__,__setitem__,__iter__ 08-27 Tensorflow 入门例子 08-25 Tensorflow 处理结构 08-24 Convolutional Neural Networks (week2) - deep CNN 08-21 Convolutional Neural Networks (week1) - CNN 08-16 Chatbot Research 6 - 更多论文 (感谢 PaperWeekly) 08-15 Chatbot Research 5 - 基于深度学习的检索聊天机器人 08-14 Sequence Models (week3) - Attention mechanism 08-13 Chatbot Research 3 - 机器学习构建 chatbot 08-12 Chatbot Research 2 - NLP基础知识回顾 08-11 Chatbot Research 1 - 聊天机器人的行业综述 08-02 Sequence Models (week2) - NLP - Word Embeddings 08-02 Skin Care for Male 07-26 Sequence Models (week1) - Recurrent Neural Networks 07-25 Structured Machine Learning Projects (week2) - ML Strategy 2 07-24 Structured Machine Learning Projects (week1) - ML Strategy 1 07-23 Improving DNN (week3) - Hyperparameter、Batch Regularization 07-22 Taiwan Travel plan 07-21 Improving Deep Neural Networks (week2) - Optimization Algorithm 07-19 Improving Deep Neural Networks (week1) - 深度学习的实用层面 07-15 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (week4) - Deep Neural Networks 07-14 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (week3) - Shallow Neural Networks 07-07 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (week2) - Neural Networks Basics 07-03 Ensumble 集成学习小记 06-27 Decision Tree part2 06-20 Support Vecor Machine (六部曲) 04-23 互联网金融风控中的数据科学 (part3) : Lending Club 的数据试验 04-21 互联网金融风控中的数据科学 (part2) : 模型策略 04-20 互联网金融风控中的数据科学 (part1) : 金融科技企业面临的欺诈⻛险 04-11 Ensemble Learning (part2) 04-07 Ensemble Learning (part1) 01-28 一般英文聽力練習方法 01-24 Python copy & deepcopy 01-24 Python try … except … as … 01-24 Python 函数式编程 zip、lambda、map... 01-24 Matplotlib Bar 01-24 Matplotlib Scatter 01-23 Matplotlib Tick bbox 01-23 Matplotlib Annotation 01-23 Matplotlib Legend 01-23 Matplotlib Coordinate axis 01-19 pickle 01-10 Sklearn Save Model 01-09 Sklearn Cross-validation 3 01-09 Sklearn Cross-validation 2 01-08 Sklearn Cross-validation 1 01-06 Sklearn Normalization 01-05 Sklearn General Learning Model 01-05 Sklearn Common Attributes and Functions 01-03 Sklearn DataSets 01-03 Sklearn Choosing The Right Estimator 01-03 Sklearn Why ? 01-03 Lucy地道美语 英语国际音标 01-01 Matplotlib Figure 01-01 Matplotlib Basic Use 01-01 Matplotlib Why ? 2017 12-31 Pandas Matplotlib Intro 12-31 Pandas Merge 12-31 Pandas Concat、Join、join_axes、append 12-30 Pandas IO 12-30 Pandas Deal NaN Value 12-30 Pandas Set Value 12-28 Pandas Select Data 12-27 Pandas Basic Intro 12-27 Numpy copy & deep copy 12-27 Numpy Array Split 12-26 Numpy Array Merge 12-26 Numpy Index 12-25 Numpy Basic Operation 2 12-25 Numpy Basic Operation 1 12-22 Numpy Array 12-21 Numpy Attribute 12-10 杨帅完美发音班(2) 12-07 Pyenv Install Anaconda3 12-03 杨帅完美发音班(1) 12-03 mac 安装 mysql 与 常用命令 12-01 Neural Networks and Deep Learning (week1) - Introduction to Deep Learning 11-17 理论 seq2seq+Attention 机制模型详解 11-12 搬瓦工VPS 配置 SSH 与 OpenVpn 11-08 文字和语言 vs 数字和信息 11-04 python 结构化您的工程 10-28 Guitar 基本乐理 10-24 Linux Search Cmd 10-23 Linux File Basic Cmd 10-21 My Zsh Config Files 10-19 Macos Terminal Set Shadowsocks 10-19 Macos Sierra Uninstall App & Solve Allow apps Anywhere 10-18 Pyenv Install For Virtual Multi Python Version Switch 10-14 Common Useful Links 10-13 Coursera 7 - Support Vector Machines 10-08 My Blog Config.yml 10-04 My Vim Config File 10-03 MacOS Mojave 10.14.6 Work Environment Install 08-22 TensorFlow Why? 07-30 Python 字符串处理-正则表达式 07-29 Jieba 中文处理 07-12 Word2vec 基础 06-30 EF Conversation 06-25 Guitar 调音换弦 06-25 EF 5.3 Telling story 06-19 EF 5.2 Making decisions 06-14 EF 5.1 Travel 06-11 EF 4.6 Vacations 06-08 EF 4.5 Welcome 06-07 EF 4.4 MileStones 06-05 Python Basic Learning III 06-05 Python Class 06-04 Python Read File 06-03 Python Slice、Iteration、List generation、Generator 06-03 Python def函数、函数参数、函数默认参数 05-31 Python 集合 List、Tuple、Dict、 Set 05-31 Python 字符编码 & 字符串 05-31 Python Output、Variable、dataType、If、While/For、Py Head 05-31 EF 4 The Past 05-28 Shuping Yang's University of Maryland speech 05-27 EF Describing people 05-24 Coursera 6 - Advice for Applying Machine Learning * 05-24 EF Entertainment 05-19 Jobs and companies 05-18 Money and buying 05-16 Holidays and celebrations 04-20 标签 ID 定义示例 03-22 New Mac Install Brew Iterm Zsh 02-28 Recommendation System - CF 2016 12-27 Going to the doctor's L4 Accidents and injuries 12-16 Going to the doctor's L3 Filling a prescription 12-13 Going to the doctor's L2 Talking with the doctor 12-09 Going to the doctor's L1 Making a doctor's appointment 11-14 Clothes and outfits L4 Complimenting people on their outfits 11-09 Clothes and outfits L3 Discussing dress requirements 11-06 Clothes and outfits L2 Talking about people's outfits 11-04 Clothes and outfits L1 Shopping for an outfit 11-03 Movies L4 Writing about a movie 11-01 Movies L3 Choosing a movie to see 10-30 Movies L2 Describing your favorite movie 10-28 Movies L1 Talking about a movie you recently saw 10-27 Going to a restaurant L4 Asking for the check and paying the bill 10-26 Going to a restaurant L3 Ordering food in a restaurant 10-25 Going to a restaurant L2 Arriving at a restaurant 10-24 Coursera Week 3 - Logistic Regression 10-24 Going to a restaurant L1 Making a restaurant reservation 10-21 Coursera Week 2 - Octave Tutorial By NG 10-12 Coursera Week 2 - Octave learning 10-08 Coursera Week 2 - Linear Regression with Multiple Variables 09-30 Coursera Week 1 - Linear Algebra Matrices And Vectors 09-28 Coursera Week 1 - Linear Regression Cost Function & Gradient descent 09-20 Coursera Week 1 - Machine Learning Introduction 09-13 Java程序员需要知道的计算机原理 (not finish) 09-11 SpringMVC Demo 08-16 JVM 跨平台与字节码原理初步 08-16 Decision Tree part1 08-15 Hotels 08-13 中国人起名学问 08-10 Locations and directions 08-07 Hobbies and interests 08-02 Python Data Mining and Analysis environment 05-17 Elasticsearch * 入门 05-17 Elasticsearch installation plugins 05-17 Point to Plane 03-16 SBT Hello 03-14 大数据平台CDH集群在线安装 02-16 Sqoop introduce 02-15 Hive Introduce 1 02-01 Spark Introduce and Install 01-22 Kettle ETL 2015 12-27 Logback 入门初步 05-29 Work 常用的命令积累 02-01 Hive 中 udf、udaf 和 udtf 的使用 01-30 MapReduce for Python 2014 05-18 Linux, profile / bashrc Brief Introduce 2013 08-29 Linux 鸟哥的私房菜 读书心得 07-25 Java SE Learning Notes for Exception 07-24 Java SE Learning Notes for OO 02-02 Java SE Learning Notes for Hello World 02-02 Java SE Learning Notes for Environment 02-02 Java SE Introduce 02-02 Java SE Learning Notes for All 01-17 Trie Tree POJ 2001 01-17 Union-Find Sets POJ 1703 01-17 Union-Find Sets HDU 1856 01-17 KMP / HDU 1711 找到匹配的位置并返回 01-17 需要的气质品格 2012 05-19 Linux C语言的一些知识学习 03-22 学用 g++ (初步) 03-18 寄存器, 内存, 存储器, Cache 的区别 2011 12-29 Graph Theory 近期小结 11-29 致敬奋斗的自己 10-27 Shortest Path 10-27 Six Kinds of Sort algorithms 10-27 Minimum Spanning Tree 2010 09-27 搜索的经典 POJ 2386 Lake Counting 09-25 格式化输出 printf 与 输出流 cout 09-24 格式化输入 scanf 与 输入流 cin