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👨🏻‍🎓 𝗺𝗲, 18 years old, ‍シンガポールに住🇸🇬

What’s your daily personal growth secret?

  1. reading • writing daily 📚
  2. thinking • coding daily 👩🏻‍💻
  3. english • drama 👁
  4. yoga hot • meditation 🧘

Diligence must not be in a hurry, as soon as you are in a hurry, it becomes false diligence

Diligence is not a race against time, but continuous, dripping water wears through the rock. We have time to accumulate slowly, no need to worry.

🔑 Classic

  1. Whatever you do in this life, it’s not legendary, unless your friends are there to see it.
  2. Life is full of changes. One day you have an apartment, the next day it’s a house of dumplings. But the important stuff doesn’t change. To the important stuff.
  3. When you’re single, and your friends start to get married, every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation: “Will you be bringing a guest, or will you be attending alone?”

⛅️ ChengeLog
